Climate Action: Bike Rally from Kaitaia to Ahipara and Back
Sunday October 10 is a day of international action to raise awareness of climate change. The emphasis is on community involvement in positive steps we can all take to reduce our impact on the planet by curbing our emissions of greenhouse gases. A suggested slogan for the action in Kaitaia is 'On Your Bike!' as we will be taking to the streets - Pukepoto Road, to be precise - for a fun bike rally to Ahipara and back.
Start time: 10am Sunday 10 October
Venue: Assemble at the CBEC carpark, outside the Environment Centre in Pukepoto Road.
Bring: drink, lunch, ideas on supporting cycling in the Far North
Return: from Ahipara (carpark on the foreshore) at 1.30
*Spot prizes for the most imaginative 'Climate Change' costumes!*
For more info contact or phone 09 4081086
Click on the following file for the full press release
If we have a plan change because of adverse weather there will be a message on the Environment Centre phone by 8am Sunday, call 09 4081086.