Our next film for 2010
Pencil in every second Friday of the month for some great entertainment, stimulation and enlightenment
At The Kaitaia Community Centre
Friday, 9 th April – 6.30 pm
The Power of COMMUNITY
A film by Faith Morgan
This documentary takes you through various aspects of life in Cuba - Economy, transportation, health-care, agriculture, education - and explores how they dealt with the dramatic reduction of fossil fuels to a mere fraction of their pre 1990 levels. It is nice to meet the people, see the sights, and hear the sounds.
The overall feeling is that the Cubans have improved the quality of their life (after a difficult "Special Period"). Their health is better, and they have a greater sense of community, better food and healthier land. We are left with the question: Why should we wait until we run out of oil? Let's do it now. The unexpected part is how it challenges our understanding of the difference between a Communist country and Capitalism. Did you know that a greater percentage of Cubans own their own home than in America? More farmers now own their own land? Sort of turns the notion of what a "Free-Market" is on its head! Check it out. Who is ready for a personal commitment to reduce their emissions by 10% in 2010?
All welcome and we accept koha to assist with our expenses.
Join us for supper and discussion after the film.