Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Presentation of FNDC policy by Lou-Ann Ballantyne followed by open discussion Union Church Thursday 17 September at 7.00 pm. Located in Butler Road, Kerikeri. Turn into Butler Road from the roundabout by the Caltex Service Station and the Church is the first building on the left.
FNDC’s proposed Plan Change 1 provides guidelines for renewable energy and energy efficiency….but does it go far enough? Come and discuss this policy with FNDC Environmental Policy Manager Lou-Anne Ballantyne.
*** And ***
Climate Change, Sea-Levels, Storm Tides & Shoreline Response
Presentation by Dr Jeremy Gibb followed by an open discussion.Union Church Thursday 24 September 2009 at 7.00pm
Jeremy will deliver an informed view on the following topics:
- A brief explanation of the Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change, followed by evidence (including from the Northland Region) for sea-level changes over the last 125,000 years, the last 12,000 years, and since 1870, and the effects of Climate Change.
- Storm-tides with some interesting examples of weather bombs, tropical cyclones and mid-latitude depressions including their sometimes dramatic effects on our coast.
- Consideration of what the future might hold under an Enhanced Greenhouse Effect, the evening concluding with open discussion to help guide our way forward.
Dr Jeremy Gibb moved to Kerikeri with his wife, Anne, in March 2008, where they run their Coastal Management Consultancy. They have worked on physical coastal issues throughout New Zealand and the South Pacific since 1993. Their clients ranging from beachfront property owners, government to the World Bank. Jeremy completed a doctorate in coastal geology in the 1970s and became a Technical Member of the Institute of Professional Engineers NZ in the 1990s. He has presented and published scientific works on sea-levels and storm tides both nationally and internationally and introduced Coastal Hazard Mapping into New Zealand in the early 1980s including making provision for the effects of rising sea-levels and flooding and erosion from storm tides.
Jeremy was New Zealand’s Tripartite representative on Climate Change and Sea level Rise with Australia and the United Kingdom and commissioned the analysis of NZ historic tide-gauge records in the 1980s. He and his wife are qualified Coastal Skippers and have a Chico 355 keelboat moored nearby.
Gold coin donation and tea & bikkies provided for both events.
Brought to you by Transition Towns Bay of Islands
Kind regards Rolf Mueller-Glodde
Ora Ora Eco Wellness Resort,
28 Landing Road , Kerikeri 0230, New Zealand;;
It is essential that we make every effort to save our planet: It's the only place where we can get organic chocolate and wine!