Northland’s First Sustainable Homes Expo - 26 September

Posted 15 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Northland’s first Sustainable Homes Expo will take place in Whangarei on Saturday the 26th of September at Northtec’s Raumanga Campus on Raumanga Valley Road.

Transition Towns Whangarei, in association with Northtec and Eco Solutions, will host this one day event to provide the public with the opportunity to find out how to bring down the costs of their power bills, cut the size of their carbon footprint, and make their homes more healthy for their families. It will give the public the chance to get more information of the Government’s new Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart Programme which provides funding for home insulation and clean heating. Entry to the event is free.

The expo will have a range of suppliers of sustainable housing products and services as well as seven free seminars covering topics from insulation to future proofing your home. For details of the full programme, please click here.

The Government has agreed to cut carbon emission by 15%-20% and has indicated that this will lead to an increase in the cost of energy. Lowering the energy consumption of our homes is now more important then ever.

Transition Towns initiatives are part of a vibrant, international grassroots movement that brings people together to explore how we – as communities - can respond to the environmental, economic and social challenges arising from climate change and resource depletion. We believe in igniting and supporting local responses at any level and from anyone – and aim to weave them together into a coordinated action plan for change towards a lower energy lifestyle.

For more information please call Monique on 09 434 4192 or email

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