Invite to FREE one-day educational event on the vegan way of life

Posted 14 years ago    2 comments

Gentle World cordially invites you to attend
a FREE one-day educational event,
highlighting the benefits of a plant-based diet
and the many reasons for the vegan way of life.


Where: The Herb Shack – 24 Puckey Ave. (right behind Pak ‘N Save)

When: Saturday, the 15th of January – 11:00 am ‐ 4:00 pm

Admission: FREE (please see registration details below)

Throughout the course of the day, snacks and beverages will be served, as we invite you to watch educational videos and ask questions.

1:00pm – Speakers:

Dr. Cornelius Van Dorp; renowned medical doctor & author will speak about the health benefits of a plant-based diet, and the conclusions he has drawn from reading The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell.

Kate Elliot; Naturopath, Osteopath & NZ Natural Health Consultant will speak of her decades of experience as a vegan health practitioner, and as a mother who raised her children on a plant-based diet.

Angel Flinn; Outreach Director for Gentle World will speak about the ethical reasons for living vegan, and the spiritual benefits of embracing the vegan ideal.

2:00pm ‐ A healthy, organic, vegan, incredibly delicious feast will be served.

JOIN US FOR A CELEBRATION of the many health, environmental and spiritual benefits of living vegan!

For more information, or to make a reservation:

call 408‐2188 or e‐mail

Gentle World is a charitable trust and vegan educational centre, whose volunteer members teach interested individuals about the preparation of vegan food, vegan‐organic growing and all other aspects of vegan living.

They are the authors of Incredibly Delicious; Recipes for a New Paradigm.


12 years, 1 month ago
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12 years ago
good one !

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