Update on Bee Keeping Course with Marina

Posted 14 years, 4 months ago    4 comments

Bee Keeping with Marina

Many of you have expressed interest in the 3 day bee keeping course with

 experienced local organic bee keeper, Marina Strioukova

but were unable to get to the Mangonui course at short notice.

Further courses will be available, probably around the end of January or early February at venues to suit participants. To register your interest and ensure the course happens close to your place, call REAP on 09 4081380 and give your full name and contact details to reception. Or you can email Lorna at REAP on lornam@farnorthreap.org.nz  Again, with your full contact details.

To discuss course content and your requirements you can also contact Marina directly on 09 4085851 or strv@ihug.co.nz


14 years, 4 months ago
Would love to learn bee keeping it is short notice for me if there is another course i will join then
Asta Wistrand
14 years, 4 months ago
Am currently looking at building a top bar hive but know nothing about beekeeping and so am very keen learn all I can about beekeeping, but am unavailable for the 15th Dec. More notice about any future course iss most welcome.
Mary Foley
14 years, 4 months ago
Would also very much love to learn bee keeping. I have appointments booked for in the following few days so cant attend this time. One day is very short notice - most keen to attend any future course. I work Mons and Tues, so Wed/Thurs/Fri would suit me best, but Ill work in with anything if given enough (a months?) notice. Will also be easier after school holidays end.
Thanks for putting on the agenda.
11 years, 4 months ago
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